
10月 31




主    講:茅銳(浙江大學(xué)公共管理學(xué)院)

主    持:鄒靜嫻(中國人民大學(xué)國家發(fā)展與戰(zhàn)略研究院)

時(shí)    間:2019年11月6日(周三)15:30-17:00

地    點(diǎn):中國人民大學(xué)崇德西樓(原科研樓A座)815會(huì)議室

摘要:Non-Tariff Barriers, Export Margins, and Product Upgrading: Evidence of FDA Import Refusals on Chinese Agricultural Exporters

This paper investigates how FDA import refusals on Chinese agricultural exporters influence both the trade performance on intensive and extensive margins as well as vertical and horizontal product upgrading. A highly disaggregated dataset of export flows is constructed from mainly three sources to distinguish direct impacts of FDA refusals on rejected firms from indirect impacts on others through the inter-firm spillover effect. The complete coverage of export flows in the dataset also enables us to examine the influence of FDA refusals that extends beyond the US border and spills over into other export destinations of China. Our results indicate substantial responses in the export performance and product quality of Chinese agricultural exporters caused by FDA refusals, in which important inter-firm and inter-regional spillover channels are identified. Notable heterogeneities in these responses are found across firms featuring different productivity levels and financial constraints. It is thus crucial to design both comprehensive and differentiated strategies to cope with the influence of import refusals.


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